Activate Your
Best Self
Activate Your
Best Self
We offer a unique brand of evidence-based inspiration that guides individuals and groups toward excellence.
Alignment Matters
We offer a unique brand of evidence-based inspiration that guides individuals and groups toward excellence.
Alignment Matters
Activate Your
Best Self
Premiere Seminar: The Alignment Quest
In a very demanding society, work, family, educational and social obligations often make us feel we are pulled in different directions. We often feel out of alignment with our best-selves. The Alignment Quest Seminar helps you to chart a path for bringing your Best Self to life, both inside and outside of your current workplace.
We believe that in order to bring out the best in others, you must first bring out the best in yourself. Through coaching sessions, virtual meetings, assessments, exercises and ongoing discussions about The Alignment Quest Toolkit (available for purchase on Amazon) in an intimate, private, virtual community, participants:
Identify key factors that create misalignment and leave you feeling fragmented, disoriented, stagnated and de-energized.
Reach across physical boundaries to connect hearts, minds and hands in crafting lives that are hopeful, purpose-driven, and fulfilling.
Cultivate affirming relationships in a safe space of minimal judgment and maximal encouragement.
Experiment with unconventional possibilities for creating value & increasing vitality.
Develop a customized plan to increase your own alignment.
The Alignment Quest online community is the place to go to get support and to network with others on similar journeys.
Gain access to additional materials
Track your Alignment Quest
Network, discuss and blog, and
Be alerted to virtual events to keep you motivated and focused